Database Management

Safe storage and access of guardian &student data. Student photo, date of birth, class, term, session etc. can be stored. Correlational presentation of data guardians and their wards.

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Online Learning

Live and Scheduled classes online with enabling audio and video input/output capabilities. Share screen, materials (notes, videos). Have live discussions with all or particular students while running your class as a teacher.

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Computer-based Tests (C.B.T)

Create Polls, quizzes, tests and exams questions. Assign questions to specific classes. Dynamic C.B.T results computation.

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Finance Management

Online Payment gateway for fees payment via guardian and students portal. Manage fees payment accounting for fast and secure decisions.

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Redefining learning
with state of the art technologies.

Data Analysis

Real-time computation of students performance, with graphical illustrations for accurate predictions of students career choices.

Our Resource

Regulate and manage all your school work whether as a guardian, a student, a teacher, accountant etc. all from one platform with streamlined authorizations and maximum flexibility and optimum interaction and security.

Result Checker/ Computation

Real-time results computation after inputting initial scores. Beautifully designed broadsheets and portal system for guardians to access students results.

Real-time graphical data presentation

Rhemasoft School is a one-of-a-kind platform for Schools, with an advanced feature of offering Students, Teachers and Parents Real-time graphical illustrations of students progress and performance.

How to Check Result

Our Team

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Zoe John

Chika Onine

Obaro Efe

More and more extra great feautres

Teachers, Students, Principal, Accountant, Guardians etc. can all be logged in at thesame time on their various devices. This encourages swift delivery of work


Fast Load-time

As a note of necessity, the development team tried to ensure that the code used are clean ensuring that Rhemasoft School has a quick rendering time ease corporate usage and foster a reliable online learning platform.


Time function

Rhemasoft was efficiently built with clean and reliable up-to-date software solutions and hosted on very reliable servers for security and fast loading time.

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